Of Art and Wine normally posts on the 25th of each month, but this year it is time for a little down time. I do want to thank all of those of you who read the posts that go up on the 10th and the 25th of each month. I enjoy reading your comments and responding to as many as I can. I am looking forward to a great 2022, full of interesting art subjects to present to you and delicious wines to explore, but today, I am enjoying Christmas.
With that I will leave you with a Christmas wish for peace, joy, love, and comfort, all nicely represented in this beautiful painting by Colorado Springs artist, Lee Murphy. It depicts one of the lovely old mansions in a historic part of the city. In the quiet of a deep snowfall on a winter’s night, this house has a warm inner light that says, home. Merry Christmas!

To find out more about this artist, see “Lee Murphy: Fine Art and Man-Made Things” in the Art Blog at vernellestudio.com and visit his website leemurphyfineart.com
Oh, and Happy New Year, too!
Celebrate, but drink responsibly. See you on January 10th, 2022!
Coming in January: The Chill Cool of Canadian Painting
It doesn’t get cooler than Valerie Palmer. Find out about her work and other modern Canadian painters in the next Of Art and Wine post. To preview her work go to artnet.com
Photo taken by M. Vernelle. Image used in accordance with Fair Use Policy for purposes of critique and review.
Image of Old North End used with the permission of the artist, Lee Murphy.
©marjorie vernelle 2021